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What Makes up a Profit and Loss Account?

numberslides rolls of bank notes to represent profit & loss accounts

As always, we share accounting knowledge in a practical way and not focussing on academic accounting theories. If you’re looking for more academic perspectives on these topics, we suggest checking out far more detailed resources on the web 🌐.

What Is a Profit and Loss Account?

The Profit and Loss account (P&L), or the Income Statement to our friends from across the pond, is one of three core financial statements that provide vital information on the health and potential of a business. The P&L indicates the profit (or loss) from business transactions over a time period.

They summarise the financial activity reading from the top-down like a funnel, we start with revenue at the top and the profit at the bottom. There are three sections of a P&L:

  1. revenues (income);
  2. expenditures (both indirect and indirect costs—more is coming on that later);
  3. and the difference between the two

The difference between revenues and expenditures gives you your company profit, and a key measure of the value that is created to the Shareholders.

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Tags: balance statement, income statement, profit and loss


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